Year 12 and 13 sixth form students took part in a school trip to the Rolls education building in London.
Welcome to OA Shirley Park
We are proud to welcome you to our all-through Oasis Academy Shirley Park, in Croydon, incorporating a Primary Phase including Nursery (3-11), Secondary Phase (11-16) and Sixth Form (post 16). We learn together to achieve forever.
Year 12 and 13 sixth form students took part in a school trip to the Rolls education building in London.
We are happy to announce that our Primary phase has been awarded the prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag with Merit for the 2023/24 academic year!
Oasis Academy Shirley Park Primary is excited to welcome all students and staff back after the summer break with a special Welcome Back Day lunch!
Lower School
EYFS and KS1
47-49 Stroud Green Way, Croydon CR0 7BE
Middle School
Long Lane, Croydon CR0 7AR (entrance in Longhurst Road)
Upper School
Year 7 - 11, Sixth Form
Shirley Road, Croydon, CR9 7AL
T: 020 8656 0222
E: admin@oasisshirleypark.org