Oasis Academy Shirley Park Primary is excited to welcome all students and staff back after the summer break with a special Welcome Back Day lunch!
Welcome to OA Shirley Park
We are proud to welcome you to our all-through Oasis Academy Shirley Park, in Croydon, incorporating a Primary Phase including Nursery (3-11), Secondary Phase (11-16) and Sixth Form (post 16). We learn together to achieve forever.
Our Phases
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The Circle (OCL Blog)
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Oasis Encounter will be hosting a series of informative sessions for parents and carers titled "The Adolescent Brain."
Students at Oasis Academy Shirley Park are celebrating today after receiving their A-Level results, marking the culmination of years of hard work, perseverance, and resilience, especially in light of the challenges posed by the pandemic during their secondary school education..
Find Us
Lower School
EYFS and KS1
47-49 Stroud Green Way, Croydon CR0 7BE
Middle School
Long Lane, Croydon CR0 7AR (entrance in Longhurst Road)
Upper School
Year 7 - 11, Sixth Form
Shirley Road, Croydon, CR9 7AL
T: 020 8656 0222
E: admin@oasisshirleypark.org
Key Locations
- Tram stop Woodside
- Tram Stop Addiscombe
- Ashburton library