Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
Introduced in 2011, publicly-funded schools in England get extra funding from the government each year to help them improve the attainment of their disadvantaged pupils.
Evidence shows that children from disadvantaged backgrounds:
- generally face extra challenges in reaching their potential at school
- often do not perform as well as their peers
The pupil premium grant is designed to allow schools to help disadvantaged pupils by improving their progress and the exam results they achieve.
The pupil premium is not based on ability. Research shows that the most academically able pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds are most at risk of under-performing. Schools should focus on these pupils just as much as pupils with low results.
Your child's school may be entitled to pupil premium funding:
if you receive one of the following benefits and your child would be eligible for Free School Meals:
- Income Support
- Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
- Child Tax Credit Only (with income up to £16,190) with no element of Working Tax Credit
- National Asylum Seekers Support
- Guarantee Element of the State Pension Credit
- Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
- Universal Credit (income dependant)
A pupil is looked after or previously looked after
Service Premium - Schools get an amount for every pupil with a parent who:
- is serving in HM Forces
- has retired on a pension from the Ministry of Defence
This funding is to help with pastoral support.
Pupil Premium is spent within the context of the overall funding agreement between the DfE and Oasis Community Learning.
Primary Pupil Premium Document
Secondary Pupil Premium Document