
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Student Leadership

Primary leadership

There are a range of leadership opportunities for students at Oasis Academy Shirley Park.

Staff and children vote each year from our Year 6 cohort for the Primary student leadership team (our Mini SLT), and the student Heads of Houses. This is made up of student Heads of Houses and their deputies.

Across the school pupils also get the chance to demonstrate leadership skills and develop greater responsibilities in the roles of 9 habit champions, physical health champions as well as wellbeing champions. In years 5 and 6 children are able to train as peer mentors and sports leaders, to help younger children on their journey through school. We also have a recently-formed and evolving eco-committee to help us as a school, commit ourselves to sustainability moving forward. Children are also able to take part in our active school council as academy MPs.

Primary School Council

At OASP we value the importance of pupil voice and giving each child the opportunity to know that their views have been considered when their peers bring forward issues that matter to meetings.  The School Council at OASP is made up of representatives from each class and aims to encourage children to have some responsibility for the way things work and develop. Pupils put themselves forward as candidates by giving a short statement highlighting the qualities they embody and are elected by their peers through a class vote.

The responsibilities of a council member include: listening to the views of peers, sharing their ideas with the rest of the council and taking information from school council meetings back to their class. Their focus is developing the classroom environment, outside environment, how to spend funds raised by the PTA and maintaining a safe and happy community as well as making significant contributions towards school policies. Any decisions that are made are done so collectively and the council members confidently give this information to their classes. We see this as a good way to teach democracy and the children gain a sense of ownership from this experience.

Key Stages 4 and 5

In the Upper school, the student leadership structure progresses to a team of prefects who are led by the Whole Academy Prefects and Key Stage 4 Prefects. Student Leaders are set out from other students by wearing a silver tie and a badge denoting their position.  

Our student leaders play a huge part in the running of the Academy and take their roles extremely seriously.  Every year, they organise the Academy Awards event, they are also ambassadors at school events such as Open Evening, Open Mornings and when we have important visitors to the Academy.

This team gets involved in setting up and running projects in and out of the Academy, feeding back student opinion to senior leaders and Academy councillors and they are students who act as role models to their peers. 

Student Leadership Meeting Schedule
Team Day Time Student Leaders
Senior Leadership Tuesday - weekly 10.10am WA Prefects
WA Deputies
Y12 Prefects
Key Stage 5 Every 2nd Week 10.10am Led by WA Prefects
All senior prefects
Key Stage 4 Every 2nd Week 10.10am Led by Y12 Prefects
KS4 Prefects
KS4 Deputy Prefects
KS4 Prefects
Key Stage 3 Every 2nd Week 10.10am Led by KS4 Prefects
KS3 Prefects
KS3 Prefects