
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there before and after school provision?
We have a Breakfast Club on each site run by school staff for children from Reception to Year 6. The cost is £3.50 a day and the club runs from 7.30 - 8.30 when children go to their classes. 

Simply Kids is our after-school provider, who at present run a club at the Middle School site, using a walking bus to take the younger children to the Long Lane Campus. The club runs from to finish of school to 6.00 pm.

How do you support children with specific Special Needs?
At OASP we have an Enhanced Learning Provision unit (ELP) which offers 14 places at our Middle School site. This is made up of Reception-Y6 pupils. The ELP is designated as a provision for MLD. The ELP curriculum is topic based and is a blend of curriculum learning, social communication skills, listening, speaking and attention. There is also a focus on sensory needs, behaviour and play. The children all have individual packages of support according to their own particular needs. Our staff make their assessments and tailor their learning accordingly. The ELP receives support from an NHS speech therapist, who visits approximately 3 times per half term. Admission to the ELP is via the local SEN department.

Do you run 'Stay and Play' sessions before the children start school?
Once your child has accepted a place at the academy, they will be invited to a 'stay and play' session where they will meet their teacher and start making some new friends.

How can parents get involved?
We encourage parents to get involved in various ways from attending trips to individual reading. We have a Shirley Park Parent Teacher Association and would welcome new members with new ideas and contacts. 

How do I apply for a place in a Croydon school?
1. Visit to find out about the schools in your area and be guided through the steps in the application process.
2. Apply through an eAdmissions account at
Application deadline: 15 January 2025 If your application is late it will not be considered until all applications received on time have been processed and your child would be unlikely to receive a place at one of your preferred schools.

When will I hear if I get a place in  Reception?
Parents will be able to view the outcome of their application through their eAdmissions account.

Do I have to apply for Reception if my child goes to the Nursery at OASP?
Yes, All children attending the Nursery class attached to the school must still apply. From September 2023 children attending our Nursery will get a guaranteed place in a Reception Class, application required.