
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Community Services Links

Support for Families

These are challenging times for many people. If your family is in need of additional support, the following local organisations might be able to help:

As well as the wider safeguarding links we have provided for students, parents and carers in our Safeguarding section of the website, we would like to share with you some local links and telephone numbers that may be of use.

Drugs, Smoking and Alcohol

Croydon Young people’s service (Alcohol and drugs network) – 0208 7605 530
Frank - Info & Advice about Drugs - 0800 77 66 00
Drink Aware - Help and Advice about Alcohol - 0300 123 1110
SmokeFree - Stop Smoking Help

Rehab 4 Addicition - Substance misuse and co-occurring mental health issues

Education, Training and Employment

Young Croydon 07729 445 983
Croydon College – 020 8686 5700
Croydon Job Centre – 0845 604 3716 - Find your nearest

General Health

NHS urgent emergency care service - 111
Eating Disorders support –
Croydon University Hospital – 020 8401 3000
St. Helier Hospital – 020 8296 2000
Purley Way Memorial hospital for minor injuries – 0208 401 3000
Young Minds (Mental Health) - - 0300 304 7000
Sane line (Mental Health) - 

Emergency Contraception

Information on where to get emergency contraception. If you are aged 19 or under, you can get FREE emergency contraception from all family planning clinics, sexual health clinics (GU), some GPs and A&E (as a last resort).  
If you are over 16 you can buy emergency contraception from most pharmacies at a cost of £25. Emergency contraception can be taken up to 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex, but it is more effective if taken in the first 24 hours.

Information, Advice, Counselling and Support

Croydon Early Help - 020 8726 6464

Jigsaw 4 U - Advocacy for looked after Young People - 020 8687 1384
Croydon Talk to us, off the record – 020 8649 9339
British Red Cross, support for young refugees in Croydon -
Care Law - Information for Young People in Care -
Gamcare - Advice and Support with Gambling - 0808 8020 133
Samaritans 24 Hour Helpline - 116 123 (free call from both landlines and mobiles)
Child line - 0800 1111
Kidscape - Anti-Bullying -
Youth Line 01344 311200 


New Addington Leisure Centre – 01689 842553
South Norwood Leisure Centre – 020 8662 9464
Waddon Leisure Centre – 020 8760 0657
Purley Leisure Centre – 020 3621 7770
Westcroft Leisure Centre - 020 8669 8666
Thornton Heath Leisure Centre - 0208 689 5300

Personal safety and Dealing with violence

Police Emergency: 999,
Police Non-Emergency: 101,
Crime stoppers 0800 555 111 
Victim Support
 - 0845 30 30 900
Survivors UK - Rape and Sexual Abuse Support for Boys and Young Men - 0208 3598 3898
Rape Crisis Support - 0808 802 9999
Galop Helpline - LGBT and anti-violence - 020 7704 2040
"Safe" - Information and Advice on How to Stay Safe, Policing and Crime Topics -
MALE - Men's Advice Line and Enquiries - 0808 801 0327
National Domestic Violence Helpline - 0808 2000 247
Southall Black Sisters -
The Hideout (Help young people understand DV) -
NSPCC Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) helpline -  0800 028 3550
Forced Marriage Unit – 0207 008 0151

Sexual Health and Relationships

Sexual Health clinic appointment, Croydon University hospital - 0208 401 3002
Sexual Health Helpline -
National AIDs Helpline - 0800 917 2227
Terrence Higgins Trust - Info on HIV and AIDs - 0808 802 1221
Lesbian & Gay Switchboard - 0300 330 0630

Young Parents

HELPP - support for parents and carers of challenging children - 020 8288 1039
Teenage Pregnancy Support -
Care to Learn - for Childcare Grants -
Cry-sis - Support with Sleepless Babies - 08451 228 669
Families need Fathers - 0300 0300 363
Croydon Best Start Children's Centres -