
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Equality and Diversity

At Oasis Academy Shirley Park, we adhere to the Equality Act 2010 by not discriminating against learners, staff, volunteers or anyone involved with the school from external agencies. We all understand that we may be working with people that identify as a group which are part of the following protected characteristics:

  • Race
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Marriage and Civil Partnership
  • Pregnancy and Maternity
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation


For our primary phase, we choose one ‘Lighthouse’ for each half term across the whole school, we started this curriculum this academic year starting in the autumn term. 'The lighthouse' will be someone that leads and shines a light that helps people through their toughest storms.

Our pupils spend a minimum of one welcome time session a week to be focused on the lighthouse. Staff are also encouraged to reference 'The lighthouse' in daily conversations with our children. The project of children researching the current lighthouse is added to the Homework Passports. Our phase leaders also incorporate 'the lighthouse' into assemblies.

Oasis Academy Shirley Park have adopted the following pledges from the Croydon Borough Council which are aimed to reinforce the borough’s commitment to treat everyone equally and fairly.
Giving everyone the freedom to be who they are.
Signing the pledges on behalf of the academy is also a declaration against inequality and evidence that we stand united with Croydon.


George Floyd Race Matters Pledge

As an organisation we commit to:

  • Stating that we are an anti-racist organisation
  • Committing to zero tolerance of racism from employees, residents, customers and service users by challenging racist behaviour or stereotypes expressed by individuals
  • Developing cultural awareness by learning more about African/African Caribbean and African other history and cultural practices to develop understanding of staff and customers through podcasts, videos, documentaries and by attending events

Equalities Pledge

As an organisation we commit to:

  • Ensuring that there is mandatory training for all staff at all levels in equality, diversity and inclusion every two years, attendance is monitored and 100% targets set with staff and managers held to account
  • Ensuring a zero tolerance approach to all forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying, publicising the staff code of conduct, providing staff with information on what it is and encouraging people to safely challenge this where it occurs ensuring that people are not treated less favourably for doing so
  • Using anonymous recruitment processes which don’t reveal details of race, age, gender, disability or socio economic status.