Reception to Year 1 transition
At the end of the Summer Term the children in Reception visit their new year 1 classroom and meet their new teachers. Transition from EYFS to Year 1 is a very important time in a child’s development and time in school. We value transition highly at Oasis Academy Shirley Park and therefore plan a smooth and worthwhile transition. At the beginning of Year 1 we continue a play-based curriculum whilst building their independence to complete focused work. Throughout the year the children will develop to the point where they will be working independently on the same task although this will be differentiated for their individual needs. Throughout this transitional period Year 1 staff work in close liaison with Reception staff.
Lower School to Middle School (Year 3 to 4) transition
At the end of Year 3 children transfer from the Lower School to the Middle School. During the final half term of Year 3, the children will visit Middle School (Long Lane) weekly to get to know their new environment and different members of staff. Children who may find the change more difficult will have additional visits, to help make their transition smooth.
The Orchard / SEN transition
The Orchard consists of 3 classes who work closely together across the week. This supports any transition that may take place for pupils moving from one class to another. At the end of Year 2, ELP children may transfer from Willow Class to Sycamore Class if it is agreed that they are ready to access the more formal setting. Children who may find this change more difficult will be able to spend time in Sycamore Class in the summer term to support this transition in running smoothly.
Pupils within mainstream classes at lower school that may have SEN or may find the transition more difficult will have extra opportunities to visit middle school with lower school staff to ensure a smooth transition if required. These pupils will also be provided with social story books to share with parents during the holidays. In addition, all Y3 pupils will be spending regular days in the middle school setting to enable them to familiarise themselves with the building, staff and general setting before moving over to join Y4.
Parental and carer engagement is an essential part of a child’s progress and development and we view the relationship between teachers, parents and carers and children as a triangle where each party plays an equally important role in the child’s educational progress. All parents, carers, children and the Academy sign a Home/School Agreement. This asks parents and carers to commit to a set of principles which underpin the ethos of the school.
We ensure there are many opportunities for dialogue. Parents and carers are invited into the Nursery and Reception classes at the beginning of each day to settle their child and to help them with an activity. The teachers of Years 1 to 6 arrive on the playground ten minutes before the beginning of every day and also walk the children out at the end of every day so that informal discussions can occur.
If parents or carers have any particular enquiries they are encouraged to talk to the class teacher, Phase Leader or any member of the senior leadership team. If no one from the senior leadership team is available, an appointment can be made via the school office.
In addition, there is a weekly Primary Phase newsletter which is sent by email or can be collected from the office as a hard copy. It provides information about what the children have been doing, as well as future events such as school trips. We send out an annual questionnaire to all parents and carers so that we can take into account all views.