
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Year 9 Pathways

As we enter an exciting phase for Year 9 students, opting for the pathways they will study during Years 10 and 11, we have provided information below so that students and their parents may make informed decisions about their chosen subjects.
The option choices here are Oasis Academy Shirley Park reflect the need for the students to achieve a minimum of 8 good qualifications based on the Progress 8 measures, and will give students the choice to continue their studies post 16 and have a full range of choices for their future, including University and Apprenticeships.

The Information below outlines all of the options in our booklet.

Options Booklet

To find out more about the process and to get more detail on each of the option choices please see our Year 9 GCSE Options Booklet.

The Year 9 Options Evening will take place on Thursday 22nd February and all Year 9 parents are welcome to attend. Students will submit their options choices the following week, and final GCSE options will be allocated at the end of the Spring term.

If you have any questions then please email the Year 9 Head of Year