
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

The Insight

OASP is pleased to present its first secondary-phase newspaper, “The Insight”, written by students for students. In early November, a small group of students ranging from Y9 to Y13, answered a call to gather at the end of the school day to discuss what they would like to see in a student-led publication.

They agreed that they wanted to see news about school events, starred reviews of books and films, as well as student views and creative writing. Working as a team, they came up with the name and logo, which is a Sherlock Holmes-style magnifying glass - the frame of the magnifying glass cleverly designed to resemble the Oasis circle of inclusion.

It is up to our students to decide what they would like to write about, and to produce their articles to length and to deadline, learning valuable skills they might one day use as journalists or publishers.

We hope to attract more aspiring writers, illustrators and editors to join our team. Our intention is to give students a voice, reinforcing their sense of ownership of their school, their lives and their futures. Please enjoy ‘The Insight’.

The Insight Issue 1 student newspaper 

The Insight Issue 2 student newspaper