
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

16-19 Bursary Policy

We are committed to ensuring all students have equal access to quality education within our sixth form. Please see the information below regarding opportunities to apply for bursary funds to support your education.

1. Introduction

Academies receive allocations for a 16-18 Bursary fund, under arrangements set out by the Secretary of State under section 14 of the Education Act 2002. The allocation is received through GAG Funding which is devolved through the EFA. The government provides funding to close the gap in attainment between those from poorer and more affluent backgrounds and to ensure every young person participates in and benefits from a place in 16–18 education and training. 

The funds will be typically used for;

  • Transport
  • Books and Equipment
  • Uniform items
  • Trips that are an essential part of the curriculum
  • Other discretionary

2. Criteria and eligibility

There are two types of bursary; guaranteed and discretionary.

Guaranteed Bursaries

A student is eligible for a guaranteed bursary if they are:

  • A young person in care
  • Care leavers
  • A young person personally in receipt of Universal Credit
  • Disabled young people in receipt of Employment Support Allowance who are also in receipt of Disability Living allowance

If a student is in one of these categories they will be eligible for the Guaranteed Bursary and is will receive £1200 for the year based on them studying at least 3 full time courses. 

Discretionary Bursaries

This is for students who are in financial need and preference will be given to those students who are registered at school as eligible for free school meals. 

Students who apply for bursary funds should have no unauthorised absences in the term when the application is being made and an overall average attendance in excess of 95% for the Academic year.

Students in receipt of this type of bursary can claim for purchases made to support their education. Students will need to provide receipts for each purchase and have these authorised by our admin and welfare officer as well as Head of Sixth Form before payments will be made.

To apply for either bursary please download fill out and send  the application form along with requested evidence to Kellie Bloomfield our Sixth Form Admin and Welfare officer

Full policy and application form
